Friday, August 7, 2015

6 Most Common Switch Used In Electronic Gadgets


6 Most Common Switch Use In Electronic Gadgets

Semiconductor type - are electronic switches  made by using semiconductor materials such as Silicon, Germanium and Gallium Arsenide

NPN type transistor

1. Transistor - 

is both used in high and low power switching application and commonly used in logic gates or TTL (transistor to transistor logic)

2. Diode - 

is electronic switch  that allows electrons to pass through in only one direction and blocks in another direction. Other uses are rectifier, voltage controller, microwave frequency generator,light emmiter and many more !!!

3. IC chip - 

this is a set of electronic circuits and components put in one chip for an intended purpose.

Electromagnetic type - are electronic switch that operates thru the presence of magnetic field lines

How a relay works !

4. Electromagnetic Relay -
 this type of switch is used for high power switching applications like motor controller and circuit breaker

5. Reed switch -
this switch is common in operating brushless dc fan motor in your laptop's or desktop,s cooling system. Other uses are thermal sensor and position sensor

Mechanical type - are electronic switch that operates by using kinetic energy or moving it physically

Power on/off button of a smart phone

6. Push  switch-

this is common in all our mobile gadgets, it is used as power button and/or volume controller. This is non-latching switch that returns to its original state after applying the force (like pressing)


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